Department of Anaesthesiology in Viswabharathi Medical college is well established with excellent infrastructure. The department consists of total 10 Major operation theatres (3 surgery, 2 OBG, 1 Ortho, 1 ENT, 1 Ophthalmology, 1 Septic & 1 Emergency) & 2 Minor O.Ts (1-Casualty, 1-Surgical).
Surgeries are performed under Spinal, Epidural General Anaesthesia. Various other procedures like Brachial Plexus Bocks, pavavertebral blocks, Fibre-Optic intubations, Awake blind natal intubations etc; are also performed. Major surgical Oncology cases (Under Aarogyasri scheme)Gynaecology, Obstetric cases, Orthopedic, ENT, General Surgery, Paediatric Surgery, Opthalmology, Laproscopic cases are performed.
Academic works like case discussions, seminars are conducted within the department.